What’s good for the goose is not good for the gander,
and while you play it loose I’ll work by a standard;
You dream and you plan and you try and you try,
but nobody supports you or stands by your side;
It’s not because you’re bad or because it’s insane;
They don’t support you because you play their game;
This arduous pursuit is not for the people pleaser,
but rather for the hardworking and dedicated dreamer;
Success isn’t defined by the total projects you pursue,
because success is in the recognized quality of work that you do;
That’s the difference between the pair of us:
You’re trying to build your repertoire in a rush –
and I am creating a brand that people can trust.
We have all been in a place where we’ve stood opposite of someone wanting the same thing as us, working for the same thing as us, but there’s a clear imbalance. The most important thing when reaching for your dreams is to remember this: quality really does matter far more than quantity. Quality work gets remembered; quantity work is just a filler until something else comes along.