When I wake up hungover from the regret of being broken,
I wonder if I succeeded in pushing everyone away, you know,
just so I can be hurt when they avoid me today.
It is a vicious cycle that turns on and off like a clapper light that I can’t control,
being made to jump when I can’t even hear the call;
and the aftermath is always a desolate place filled with confusion and heavy self-hate.
Tomorrow, when more time has passed, I’ll have many things that I have wondered,
and many questions I haven’t asked;
and more important than any of that is the fact that the damage is done and
I can’t turn back.
These will be the memories you have of me –
pictures in your mind that you can’t unseen,
with truth so clear to you, making you oh-so-sure that
there’s no future where we’re all happy.