Attention Deficit Disorder / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is as a very commonly diagnosed mental health issue. It is often disregarded due to the number of people that sell the common prescription for this diagnosis – Aderal – as a means of dealing drugs and making money. It is, however, a serious illness when properly diagnosed. ADD/ADHD is a disorder in which WebMD defines the symptoms as being an illness where the patient finds time management and organization difficult. The patient will struggle to set goals, hold down jobs, and keep their attention. They may also be impulsive in their behaviors.
There’s a set order to the way these things in life are supposed to go
I was supposed to get married but you know
That’s not how it worked out for me
I thought that there was someone else and instead of asking I just jumped to conclusions
I left without a second thought or without even asking questions
To this day I regret it because he was the best man I’ve ever known
Since I messed up the order I tried to skip to the next step
Got married to the first lady that made me feel special without a second guess
That didn’t work out either, of course, and we divorced within a year
Having messed it up again I needed to get ahold of the wheel and steer
So I tried to make a list of things I wanted to get done in my life
A series of things that I needed to do to get everything done right
But only one month in I fell off the wagon
I keep doing this again and again and again
I’m stuck in this loop of failure – losing jobs, never meeting goals, wasting my time
What do I have to do with myself to get myself on the right line
Everything sucks and I can’t even figure what I’m getting wrong
It’s like a broken record playing fucking up on the same damn song
Only I can’t stop myself from trying to make it play
Because I apparently don’t know how to survive if I don’t try it again every day.