DATE: Tuesday, November 25, 2014
SUBJECT: Grief Group Update
Mr. Riviera,
As you are aware, I canceled the Grief Group yesterday for personal reasons. Much like my patients, I have good days and bad days. I did not feel that I could be my best self if I had held the Grief Group yesterday, which would not benefit you as my patients. I want to hold myself to the same self-care standards that I expect from my patients – which was an incredibly difficult decision to make, but certainly the best one.
I am sending this second e-mail to remind you that during finals, we do not hold group sessions. Many professors are starting finals during the first and second weeks of December because they will leave early for holidays. Effectively immediately and lasting for the next month, I will be available for private meeting sessions as needed only. I am available any time of day in case of an emergency.
Santiago, I know that these holidays will be particularly difficult for you, and I highly urge you not to hesitate should there be something bothering you, triggering you, or anything otherwise. Please be good to yourself during our break, know your limits, and enjoy every positive thing that you can find.
Dr. Anya Kuvaar Doctor of Psychiatry Wells University
The next chapter is available already?!?! You should read it now….