Gosh, it’s like I’ve been a ghost hasn’t it?
Due to a major job changes, the continued juggling of multiple jobs, and the ever demanding nature of being a human, this blog once again went into remission. It’s not for a lack of desire to remain consistent in posting and to keep the spirit alive in my writing. In fact, my excitement for writing is even on an upswing right now! But, due to some bigger-than-this projects in the works, the writing comes in spurts when I’m available.
But, I’m happy to declare that I will once again be doing a Mental Health Awareness Poetry project. I’m going to make a prompt list for it today and share it tomorrow for anyone interested in participating. I encourage you to help me, as someone with mental illness and a mental health professions, continue shedding light and ending the stigma of this very normal part of life.
The other big project that I am excited to talk about is a PODCAST! Actually…
!!!!!TWO PODCASTS!!!!!
That’s right! I am partnering with my absentee blogger pal Ouranose on two podcasts. The first is a podcast called Pro-Fanity, the first episode of which can be found on SoundCloud right now! Our podcast show, Pro-Fanity, was spurred by the idea of “professional fangirl.” Both Alli (ouranose) and I have been super dorky fangirls since we were little kids and we’ve watched as fandom culture has evolved from this shameful secret you kept in the dark nights in your bedroom into a very widespread concept that is somehow more toxic than literal poison. It’s no longer embarrassing to “ship” characters together and speak your mind about the way you interpret the storytelling of movies and television shows that way it used to be “weird” and “embarrassing” to be that enthusiastic about your entertainment media consumption. And that is really what motivated us when we started talking about a podcast – we want to model healthy fandom culture while having intelligent, informative, and invigorating conversations with each other.
And thus Pro-Fanity was born! The title can be misleading because, honestly, we don’t intend to swear excessively, if at all. As adults, there might be a word or two here and there, but that’s not our goal. Pro-Fanity plays on that idea of “professional fangirl” or “professional fandom” because it shows how being informed can really change the way you talk about the things you care about in a way that doesn’t hurt other people or belittle their different experiences. It’s also analytical in a way that challenges the common opinions and interpretations of popular and entertainment media.
Season One of Pro-Fanity tackles the topic of Disney, and is currently slated to be about 8 episodes long. We will be posting 2x each month so it’ll be somewhat slow moving because the conversations are length, with us expecting most episodes to be 1-2 hours in length, but we believe in the idea of – it takes as long as it takes. We will always aim to be entertaining regardless of how long it takes us to tackle a specific topic in each episode.
The second podcast has yet to air, but is coming very soon! In fact – the idea is to have it out on the 5th of each each month, so there’s about a 10 day wait right now, definitely less than two weeks, before that comes out too! That podcast is going to be a read-aloud of public domain stories where we do a cold-analysis throughout and engage in a casual conversation about good literature in a specific genre. You’ll learn more about that, though, when it comes out!
It would make me feel happy and supported if you stayed connected with me throughout my journey, whether that’s reading my blog or listening to my new podcast or just following me on social media. Here’s a collection of links that will help you stay connected with me and updated on what’s going on along the way.
I appreciate you and wish you nothing but the best ❤