Escapril Prompt #1: A Fresh Start
The sound of keys clanging, hands banging,
of notes ringing, the eruption of sighs and screaming,
a wisp of disappointment as the pencil keeps scribbling,
it’s all a part of the process of writing.
Each note seems frayed, melodies and harmonies unlaid,
a message that won’t stay, but a thought that won’t go away,
something tingling in the background, but an idea with no sound,
is just a song waiting around.
An order for rest, an order for sleep, arguing until you weep,
but an arrangement, an agreement, that this was all you would ever need,
and it proved to be true, because when the sun came to peek,
she found you back at the keys of your beloved piano;
Sleep and breathe, my love, so you will always be the musician that fell in love with me.